Name: Kucherov, Nikita
Team: Anaheim Mighty Ducks
Age: 31
Position: RW
Contract: $9.99 for 3 years 1W
League: CPHL link: Click Here! link: Click Here! link: Click Here!

Past Trades

New Jersey Devils

Nashville Predators

  1. Kucherov, Nikita (RW)
  1. 2025 1st Round Draft Choice (mon)
Terms:  134, 94 from NJ to NAS

Anaheim Mighty Ducks

Nashville Predators

  1. Nadeau, Bradly (C)
  1. Kucherov, Nikita (RW)
Money:  Anaheim Mighty Ducks sends Nashville Predators $2.00 million for the 2023-24 season
Terms:  Brad Marchand will be sent to the Preds as soon as he shows up on the Ducks roster